Manage your diaries with Outlook

Calendar Management

Never let a personal appointment clash with a business booking ever again! BookingLive can integrate with your Outlook calendar so you can stay on top of all of your engagements. Manage all of your business bookings, staff and resources with ease. When BookingLive and Outlook calendars sync, all your personal appointments and business bookings become visible on your Outlook calendar. The real perk of this integration is that any personal appointments in your Outlook calendar will appear as ‘unavailable’ in your BookingLive calendar.


Integrate BookingLive with your calendar

Live updates

Your Outlook calendar makes real-time updates in the event of a booking change or cancellation.

Staff management

You have the ability to sync all of your staff’s calendars so they’re able to keep on top of each other’s schedules


Edit appointment notes in your BookingLive calendar straight from your Outlook calendar.